Registered Users
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Unregistered Users

Click Here to pay your bill.

North White County Water
P.O. Box 605
Judsonia AR 72081-0605
(501) 729-5224

Bulletin Board

Our Office Hours are 8 am - 4 pm
Monday - Friday
Office number

Please CALL the office for ALL questions and services.

***EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1st, 2022***

Your water bill wil be the ONLY notice you will receive each month.

Failure to receive bill does not waive past due penalty.

Monthly Schedule

Bills are due by the 10th of each month with no late charges.

A late charge of 10% is added on the 11th of each month.

Shut off day is the 21st of each month.


Reconnect fees - $100.00

Returned check fees - $25.00

Plumbing Inspection fees - $75.00

New Connection fees - $1,000.00 or cost

Meter Deposits

$ 50.00 - landowners
$100.00  -non landowners


Ways to Pay Your Water Bill

NOWCO accepts cash, checks, and money orders in the office. You may use a credit/debit card on line at or by phone at 855-483-5729.

There is a fee for credit/debit card transactions. If paying on line, please allow adequate time for processing to avoid late charges or disconnection of services. 

A convenience fee of $1.95 will be charged for the first $30.00, another $1.00 per $30.00 after that up to $210.00. 

Anything over $210.00 will be 4% of the payment amount. 

All on line bills MUST be received BEFORE the 11th to avoid late charges, and BEFORE the 21st to avoid disconnection and reconnect fees.

All reconnect fees must be paid IN the office with cash or money order to have services restored. All reconnects are done during regular office hours the following business day AFTER valid payment is made.





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